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Thickness Measurements of Fiberglass Plates, Pipes, and Storage Tanks

Thickness Measurements of Fiberglass Plates, Pipes, and Storage TanksUltrasonic thickness gauges can be used for a variety of fiberglass applications measuring parts from one side. For example, inspectors can use ultrasonic gauges to check fiberglass storage tanks and pipes as part of the manufacturing process and in service to assure that no erosion or delamination from corrosive chemicals has resulted. Other fiberglass thickness applications include hot tubs, electronic circuit boards, coil bobbins, and sporting equipment. Ultrasonic gauges can be used on many types of fiberglass: cloth, mat, roving, filament wound, or combinations of these.

Ultrasonic Equipment Used for Fiberglass Thickness Measurements

Fiberglass measurements are normally performed with precision thickness gauges, such as the 39DL PLUS™ gauge or 45MG gauge with the High Penetration software option. Transducer selection and setup depend on the desired thickness range capability and quality of the composite material. A typical measurement range is from 0.05 to 3 in. (1.25 to 75 mm) using the specialized 0.5 MHz M2008 fiberglass transducer for thicker parts. Other transducers such as the M1036 (2.25 MHz) or M109 (5 MHz) are used for thicknesses under 0.5 in. (12.5 mm).

Olympus IMS

Products Used for This Application

The 39DL PLUS™ gauge is field-proven and reliable for virtually every ultrasonic thickness inspection. It works as a precision or corrosion thickness gauge to meet the challenges of demanding applications across industries, including maintenance, manufacturing, and energy production. With world-class ultrasonic capability, fast scanning speeds, and fully integrated wireless connectivity, this handheld gauge delivers results you can trust in a seamless workflow.

The 72DL PLUS™ advanced ultrasonic thickness gauge delivers precision thickness measurements at high speed in a portable, easy-to-use device. Compatible with single element transducers up to 125 MHz, this innovative instrument is ideally suited to measure the thickness of ultra-thin materials, including multilayer paint, coatings, and plastic. It can simultaneously display the thickness of up to 6 layers.

The handheld 45MG ultrasonic thickness gauge is packed with measurement features and software options. This unique instrument is compatible with the complete range of Olympus dual element and single element transducers, making this gauge an all-in-one solution for virtually every thickness gauge application.