Visual Inspection Solutions for
Defense and Security

Defense and security teams need reliable, durable inspection equipment to meet challenging daily demands.

Olympus IPLEX™ industrial videoscopes feature military-grade ruggedness, clear imaging, and portable designs to support emergency preparedness and response. From flight operations in the defense field to search and rescue in the security field, we offer a range of remote visual inspection solutions to meet unique mission needs.

Download our e-book today to discover recommended remote visual inspection solutions for the systems and infrastructure in your defense and security work. The sections below highlight some of our tailored solutions for aircraft, marine systems, and other mission-critical equipment.

E Book

Aircraft: Fixed Wing

In the defense field, safe and efficient operation of aircraft is critical. Aircraft must be ready to fly anytime and anywhere.

Routine aircraft maintenance is essential to make sure aircraft stand up to the rigors of daily operations.

This section introduces remote visual inspection solutions for the aircraft engines and bodies used for defense and security.

E Book

Aircraft: Rotary Wing

Helicopters play an indispensable role in defense and rescue missions. They provide agility, rapid deployment, and field landing availability.

Helicopter maintenance specialists deliver thorough helicopter inspections from the engine and rotor to the fuselage and landing components to help ensure a well-executed flight at any location.

This section introduces remote visual inspection solutions for helicopters used for defense and rescue.

E Book

Marine Systems

Marines must safeguard a nation's maritime borders and work with other defense forces when needed. Consequently, ship inspections are vital to help ensure the fleet is ready for service.

Marine vessels have numerous small, large, and complex machineries that need regular maintenance to extend their life. Nondestructive testing helps ensure the vessels are in good condition.

This section introduces remote visual inspection solutions that can be done onboard and in dry dock.

E Book

Land Systems

Advanced defense land systems have modern vehicles and tanks that are engineered for durability and performance during engagement. Nondestructive testing of defense equipment plays a critical role in keeping forces ready to defend homeland security.

Land defense systems are subjected to a high degree of stress. Even a small flaw or vulnerable location caused by corrosion or wear and tear can result in the failure of a critical component and damaged asset.

Maintenance is essential to make sure the tanks and heavy-duty vehicles stand up to the rigors of daily operations.

This section introduces essential remote visual inspection solutions for defense land systems.

E Book

System Maintenance

Various facilities and equipment are installed and operated in air force, naval, and army bases.

Daily and regular maintenance of facilities and equipment is essential to keep them in good condition for a sudden mission.

This section introduces remote visual inspection solutions for defense facilities.

E Book

Security and Law Enforcement

In the security and law enforcement field, maintaining national security is one of the most important missions. Staff must be ready at all times to prevent illegal activity and perform disaster rescue operations.

This section introduces remote visual inspection solutions used to assist security forces and rescue teams.

E Book

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