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Online Courses

Introduction to NDT

The Introduction to NDT course is a course taught by industry icon Chuck Hellier, who literally wrote the book on NDT training. Intro to NDT is perfect for people who want to search through specific questions they have for NDT or get a general overview of the industry.

This is a four hour sequential course that will take the learner through several training modules of the major NDT methods (MT,PT,RT,UT,VT) with a quiz at the end of each. The learner will receive a Certificate of Completion at the end ot the course verifying that they successfully reviewed all of the material.

The Introduction to NDT course is designed to familiarize students with the major Nondestructive Testing disciplines:

Visual Testing (VT)

Penetrant Testing (PT)

Magnetic Particle Testing (MT)

Radiographic Testing (RT)

Ultrasonic Testing (UT)

It also presents the benefits and limitations of each method as well as an overview of the various discontinuities that may be encountered. There are also examples of different applications stressing the most appropriate methods to be used. This is an ideal program for those who are interested in gaining a basic understanding of the technology and is especially beneficial for managers, engineers, auditors, supervisors and other personnel who will not actually be performing the examinations. This course is perfect for a manager who needs an understanding of nondestructive testing or a prospective student that wants to see if NDT is right for them.

NOTE: There is Recommended Reading assigned at the beginning of the course.

Ultrasonic Testing II

Ultrasonic Testing (UT) Level II is an extension of UT Level I and delves into the theory and principles to a much greater depth.

After a review of the basic UT Level I subjects, variables such as beam profile, dead, near and far zones, acoustic impedance, absorption and scattering are presented. Other subjects essential for performing angle beam inspection of welds, including mode conversion, refraction, and attenuation, are covered. Calibration of the UT instruments is demonstrated as well as the examination of several test specimens. Immersion and through transmission are discusses along with a variety of other techniques. The evaluation and interpretation of test results along with the need for complete and accurate test reporting are presented.

This is an essential course for those practitioners who will be pursuing a career in Ultrasonic Testing and for those striving for certification as a Level II.

NDTclassroom.com's Ultrasonic Testing (UT) Level II training is now available. Level I will be available in the near future.

UT Level II a completely video based online course taught by Tim MacInnis that covers:

  • Principles of Ultrasonic testing
  • Ultrasonic Testing theory
  • How to perform UT examinations
  • Equipment used to perform UT
  • Techniques used to perform UT
  • Procedures used to perform UT
  • Requirements of UT
  • How to interpret and evaluate test results

Please click on the video to the right to view an introduction.

This course meets the reccomendations for training laid out in SNT-TC-1A and covers the Body of Knowledge for CP-105.

NOTE: There is REQUIRED READING assigned at the beginning of the course. Reading assignments will be prepared and provided to each student with a list of references and books relative to the subjects. Self-study will be strongly encouraged which will add to the overall training time to be credited. It will also better prepare the student for the practical lab/'hands-on" session to follow. It will be the responsibility of the student to maintain a log of self-study time. It is recommended that the applicable Level III be involved and sign off the assignments as completed. This should become a part of the training records for use with subsequent certifications.