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DP21-CB Ver. Update

DP21-CB Ver. Update

1. General

This software will update to the D21-CB Ver. Applicable D21-CB : To check serial number of D21-CB. If the bottom of the number is from [A0] to [A9], it is possible to update.

dp21 serial

*In case the bottom of the serial is from [A0] to [A5], Model name is DP21-CB.

2. Software Modifications

Modification to below bugs when using the DP26 with DP21-SAL

  • The scale is displayed a half value of correct value in recorded images when capturing the image at 612 x 480 or 612 x 480 Binning resolution
  • There are some cases which the file format of the recorded image is changed to JPEG-HIGH when capturing the image at 1224 x 960 Binning or 612 x 480 Binning resolution live image

3. Installation procedure

  1. Before installation
    • This software comes with an "OLYMPUS END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT". Prior to downloading the software, please read the "OLYMPUS END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT". When downloading begins, it automatically assumes that you have agreed to this AGREEMENT.
  2. Download
    • Please enter all the required (*) fields below in order to download the software
    • Click the [Download] button to begin the download.
      * Download file name: [DP21SAL02010193.zip] (9,084KB)
      * Please download the [DP21SAL02010193.zip] file in your USB flash memory. (**)
      * Serial number is the alphanumeric characters indicated on your DP21-CU or DP26-CU. (See the figures below.) The number printed here is the serial number.
      dp21 serial2
      **More 40MB free disk space require in the USB flash memory. If there are other files in the USB flash memory, please backup the files in advance.
  3. Update procedure
    • Melt the file "DP21SAL02010193.zip" which you saved in the USB flash memory in the route directory the 1st partition.
    • The following files are unarchiveed.
      ■ AppUpdate.bat(1KB)
      ■ DP21BSW_SETUP0201.exe(312KB)
      ■ DPEOSIf.dll(128KB)
      ■ DPUpdateTool.ini(1KB)
      ■ Folder¥DPE(12.3MB)
      ■ Folder¥Update(3.79MB)
    • About detail of update procedure, please see here.
  4. Verification of version
    • When the update is complete, place the cursor on [MAINTENANCE] in the MENU display and press the [OK] button.
    • Place the cursor on [VER…] and press the [OK] button.
    • If you see "Ver." in the DPE-BSW, the update is properly completed.
      dp21 version info

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