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Product Information

31 May, 2024
Free replacement of SZ2-STP Arm Used with Microscopes for Equipment Mounting

Thank you very much for your continuous business with us.
It has been discovered that the SZ2-STP Arm Used with Microscope for Equipment Mounting was shipped with the holding parts of the stereo microscope zoom body installed upside down. We would like to therefore offer replacement of the subject product free of charge.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to our customers, business partners, and other concerned parties.

Products in Scope

  • Product Name: Arm Used with Microscopes for Equipment Mounting*
  • Model Name: SZ2-STP (Part of production from September 2022)

SZ2-STP overall view

SZ2-STP overall view

SZ2-STP back view

SZ2-STP back view

*Arm Used with Microscopes for Equipment Mounting is a product that can be attached to the customer's equipment and moves the zoom body up and down.


The holding part of stereo microscope zoom body is assembled upside down. 
This shifts the mounting reference position of the stereo microscope zoom body upward by 47mm.
However, this does not affect the operating range (45 mm), safety, rigidity, or durability or the product.

Normal assembly condition

Normal assembly condition

Assembly condition of this defect

Assembly condition of this defect

To identify the applicable products

Find the model name on the sticker placed on the back of the product, and a 7-digit alphanumeric serial number is indicated on the sticker.

This program covers 34 units produced from September 2022 (see figure in Products In Scope) 

This program covers 34 units produced from September 2022 (see figure in Products In Scope)

Request to Customers

We apologize for the inconvenience asking customers to contact us who are using the subject products. When contacting us, please provide us with the following information:

(1)Product Serial Number
(2)Approximate date of purchase (if unknown, you do not need to inform us).

Personal information provided by customers, such as name, address, and telephone number, will be used only for the purpose of receiving, confirming inspection, delivery, and contacting customers for on-site inspection and repair of the applicable product.

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