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5 Reasons to Test Jewelry with the Vanta™ GX Precious Metal Analyzer

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Gold X ray machine for jewelry testing

Testing jewelry for precious metal content, purity, and karatage should be simple and fast. Our new Vanta™ GX precious metal analyzer takes the guesswork (and work!) out of jewelry analysis so you can buy and sell gold, jewelry, coins, and other valuables with confidence.

Here are our top reasons to choose the Vanta GX analyzer for your jewelry testing needs:

1. Easy Precious Metals Testing

Getting an answer is as simple as pushing a button, and no sample prep or liquid acid handling is required. This benchtop analyzer measures precious metals and other elements in valuables on the spot without damaging them. Simply lift the lid, place your item in the measurement window, close the lid, and press play. The test runs, and results appear on the screen seconds later. It’s that easy.

Gold X ray machine for jewelry testing

Verifying the precious metal content in jewelry is easy with the Vanta GX analyzer

2. Accurate Jewelry Analysis

All Vanta analyzers, including the Vanta GX analyzer, feature our proprietary Axon Technology™ to deliver fast, accurate, and reliable results. This proven technology uses sophisticated analytics to nondestructively test for the presence of precious metals in seconds.

With the Vanta GX analyzer, you can verify the purity and composition of gold, silver, palladium, and other precious metals in valuable items, such as:

  • Necklaces
  • Earrings
  • Coins
  • Watches
  • Bracelets
  • Brooches
  • Gold bars
  • And more
Types of jewelry metals

Get the exact percentage of gold, platinum, palladium, palladium, and other precious metals in jewelry.

3. Showroom-Ready Results

The Vanta GX analyzer is compact and stylish for countertop use at jewelry shops, pawn shops, museums, and more. Results display on a smartphone-like touch screen in seconds and can be presented on a larger screen for discussion with customers. For seamless documentation and reporting, images from the built-in camera pair with test results.

Precious metal verifier for jewelry testing

The Vanta GX analyzer has a modern look and small footprint for the showroom.

4. Detects Fake Jewelry Fast

The Vanta GX analyzer helps you verify the authenticity of items on the spot for fair pricing. Identify fake jewelry and counterfeit gold with an alert for gold plating, the detection of less valuable or hazardous metals (e.g., lead and cadmium), and the percentage of pure gold and silver. Plus, you can see the real value of a material with detection of up to 27 elements.

Precious metal analyzer results show a gold plating alert

The Vanta GX test results show a plating alert

5. Flexible Options for Precious Metal Analysis

The Vanta GX analyzer comes in two models, so you have the flexibility to only invest in the technology needed. Our Vanta GX SDD model provides premium precious metal analysis for those who need higher precision, while the Vanta GX PIN model is a cost-effective option for precious metal testing. A comprehensive, one year warranty protects your investment.

Learn More about the Vanta GX Precious Metal Analyzer

Want to see the Vanta GX analyzer in action? Check out the video below or reach out to us for a demonstration.

Related Content

Video: Introducing the Vanta GX Precious Metal Analyzer

Brochure: Vanta GX Precious Metal Analyzer

Infographic: Vanta GX Quick Facts

Get In Touch
Marketing Specialist, Analytical Instruments

Michelle Wright has more than nine years of experience in marketing communications and works in the analytical instruments business at Evident to promote X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzers. She works closely with product, engineering, and application groups to assist with launching new products, creating webinars, and writing application notes.

January 10, 2023
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