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6 Advantages of the MagnaFORM Probe Over Penetrant Testing in Stainless Steel

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MagnaFORM Probe Over Penetrant Testing in Stainless Steel

Using penetrant testing to inspect stainless steel pipes for stress corrosion cracking and welds for cracks can be a slow job. Many pipes are rough, dirty, or painted. Before penetrant testing can be used, the pipes must be smoothed and cleaned. If they’re painted, it must be painstakingly stripped off and the pipe later repainted. Luckily, there’s a better way.

Here are 6 advantages of the MagnaFORM eddy current array (ECA) probe over penetrant testing.

1. No more paint removal and repainting

The MagnaFORM probe works with the OmniScan® MXE flaw detector to deliver reliable imaging through paint—no stripping or repainting required. This enables you to get the job done faster.

C-scan image of SS304 with 0 mm of lift-off
C-scan image of SS304 with 0 mm of lift-off
C-scan image of SS304 with 3 mm of lift-off
C-scan image of SS304 with 3 mm of lift-off

2. Rough surfaces won’t slow you down

Dynamic lift-off compensation helps ensure that the probe remains sensitive to surface-breaking defects on rough welds and corroded areas. Even with up to 3 mm of lift-off, the detection remains reliable.

C-scan image of a rough surface
C-scan image of a rough surface

3. Dirty parts are no problem

If the component you’re inspecting is dirty, wet, rough, or cold worked, the solution’s signal-to-noise ratio remains high, helping you spot defects quickly.

304 stainless steel with a rough, dirty surface
304 stainless steel with a rough, dirty surface

4. One setup for 304 and 316 stainless steel

With one predefined setup, you can inspect both 304 and 316 stainless steel. Defects as small as 1.6 mm long can be detected.

Inspecting a 304 stainless steel plate
Inspecting a 304 stainless steel plate

5. More coverage = faster inspections

The MagnaFORM scanner can cover up to 65 mm (2.56 inches) each scan, helping you get the job done fast.

The MagnaFORM probe on a weld
The MagnaFORM probe on a weld

6. Won’t wear you down

The probe has replaceable wedges and built-in wear protection that will last you for an estimated 22 kilometers (13.7 miles) of inspection.

The MagnaFORM solution includes the probe, scanner buggy, and 5-meter cable. The lift-off compensation software is loaded on a flash card and is used with the OmniScan MXE flaw detector.
The MagnaFORM solution includes the probe, scanner buggy, and 5-meter cable; the lift-off compensation software is loaded on a flash card and is used with the OmniScan MXE flaw detector

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Get In Touch
Product Leader, Eddy Current Product Line

Since 2012, Ghislain Morais has been an eddy current and bond testing product leader for Evident. He is responsible for the global support of conventional eddy current, eddy current array, conventional bond testing, and bond testing C-scan technology. Prior to joining us, he spent 18 years working in the aircraft maintenance business as a metallurgist and in NDT inspections. He has experience and certifications in several of the NDT methods that are used in the aerospace industry.

November 1, 2018
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