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Be in Command of Your Industrial Microscopy Images and Data

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Industrial microscopy software for advanced imaging and analysis

Demands within industrial production regarding product quality, process assurance, and economic profitability are rising steadily, and digital microscopy and image-processing technologies play a major role. These systems not only reduce the immense manual and visual tasks involved in quality control but can also automate and optimize standard inspection methods.

Depending on the application, task, and challenges, the needs of industrial laboratories can differ widely—from simple image acquisition and measurement to advanced image analysis or integrated image and data archiving. At Evident, we offer dedicated software solutions to cover these industrial demands.

One example is OLYMPUS Stream™ Enterprise. Available in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA), this client/server data management system combines microscopy, imaging, and analysis with smart storage, consistent reporting, and tight data security. OLYMPUS Stream Enterprise has all the tools needed for users to control, collect, calculate, and communicate their work in a flexible and highly intuitive interface. It is the right software for those who need fully controllable user permissions with multi-layered security capabilities and comprehensive search facilities.

In this post, we’ll share how OLYMPUS Stream Enterprise puts you in command of your industrial microscopy images and data.

Taking Advantage of Possibilities

OLYMPUS Stream Enterprise is made for users with high demands for an integrated data management system. It handles an unlimited number of users, assignment of user rights, and integration with laboratory information management systems (LIMS) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, all while removing the limits to workflow productivity and efficiency in the modern lab. With software version 2.5.3, users can take advantage of high-performing features such as image analysis based on deep-learning technology.

Workflow Management and Control

Managing an imaging workflow and the data results is about being in control of every aspect. Solutions that help administer and integrate the components can improve the overall workflow and increase efficiency. OLYMPUS Stream Enterprise offers intelligent step-by-step workflows to acquire sharp images that are ready for quantitative measurements and professional reporting based on the latest standards.

Integrated Data Management

With a growing amount of data to manage, multiple users, and the desire for greater data security, conventional databases quickly become inadequate. Even with large amounts of data and many users, OLYMPUS Stream Enterprise keeps workflows running efficiently while providing tight data security. The data management system provides comprehensive access authorization for data and functions within the entire network. This system architecture enables simpler installations with minimal maintenance.

Industrial microscopy software for advanced imaging and analysis

OLYMPUS Stream Enterprise, a professional client/server data management system.

User Access Rights

Extended access rights management enables the detailed allocation of user rights of data and functions to user groups. User rights in OLYMPUS Stream Enterprise are assigned under four default roles—administrator, power user, user, and guest. Each can be modified for flexibility. In addition, each project or data record can be assigned access rights to specific individuals or members of a group. Authentication is possible using an SQL login when starting OLYMPUS Stream Enterprise or via integration with an existing active directory and lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP) to provide single sign-on (SSO) capabilities.

User rights management for industrial microscopy software

User rights management in OLYMPUS Stream Enterprise controls which users have access to certain projects, functions, and data.

Secure File Repository

For data security, OLYMPUS Stream Enterprise offers an optional secure file repository (SFR) package. As an extra layer of security, the SFR works with OLYMPUS Stream Enterprise to handle file requests based on a user’s access permission.

Secure file repository for industrial microscopy software

The optional secure file repository (SFR) works with OLYMPUS Stream Enterprise to handle file requests based on a user’s access permission, so unauthorized users cannot manipulate files.

Communication with External Applications

OLYMPUS Stream Enterprise can be set up to interface directly with existing order management, LIMS, ERP, and CRM systems. For additional flexibility, the software has built-in interfaces for digital communication protocols, such as component object models (COM) and open database connectivity (ODBC), which enable easier interfacing with other programs. Application programming interface (API) functionality has also been added to enable the use of OLYMPUS Stream Enterprise processes by other programs.

Integration of data sources in an industrial quality control laboratory

OLYMPUS Stream software is designed to integrate with existing data sources on a network. It can import images and uses standard interface protocols to communicate with other software programs.

Simplified Data Entry and Searches

Whether you want to continue working on a particular project or begin a new one, OLYMPUS Stream Enterprises’ data management solution helps you structure the work efficiently right from the start.

Pre-existing information such as customer data, delivery dates from LIMS, or order processing systems can be used to initiate a project. This minimizes the need to re-enter the same data, increasing data consistency. Further, the information on printed routing slips can be reduced to the essentials—such as just the order number. Ideally, this can be condensed into a barcode or a transponder on the sample.

Data entry can also be configured for a specific task, such as categorizing samples according to specific characteristics. This entry process can be standardized according to user-defined data entry masks and drop-down lists. This makes order entry more efficient and keeps the file storage structure organized.

It’s often helpful to reference existing results to compare a new image from a current case with similar past cases. OLYMPUS Stream software’s organizational structure and extensive search and filter options make it easy to locate all relevant data quickly without any tedious folder searches.

Built-In Microscope and Camera Control

Data storage is only one requirement of an imaging and analysis process. OLYMPUS Stream Enterprise has built-in control capabilities for the extensive range of microscopes and digital cameras available from Evident. All supported cameras (color, monochrome, infrared, and short-wave infrared) are integrated into the easy-to-use camera control. They’re also connected to the microscope for secured magnification and calibration information.

Guided Workflows for Compliant Measurements

OLYMPUS Stream Enterprise enables you to conduct a large variety of geometric measurements and image analyses. For advanced image processing, users can add a range of optional Material Solutions with dedicated workflows for material qualification and evaluation. These solutions enable you to conduct an analysis according to common international standards (ISO, ASTM, JIS, and DIN) to check their quality before and after manufacturing processes. One notable solution is TruAI™ deep-learning technology, which offers image analysis options beyond classical algorithms.

Industrial image analysis using deep learning

Various add-ons are available to increase the functionality of OLYMPUS Stream Enterprise. This includes TruAI deep-learning technology for image analysis options beyond classical algorithms.

Efficient Report Creation

Creating a report often takes longer than capturing the image and taking the measurements. To ease this process, OLYMPUS Stream Enterprise provides intuitive and powerful reporting tools based on predefined and customized templates. These tools use Microsoft Office 365 and connect directly to the database.


Data management and report generation work seamlessly in OLYMPUS Stream Enterprise.

Versatile Options for Industrial Image Analysis

We recommend OLYMPUS Stream Enterprise to all industrial users in the EMEA region who have high demands for an integrated data management solution. Others should migrate from OLYMPUS Stream to PRECiV™ software, our modern measurement and imaging platform to make daily work in industrial labs more efficient. If you have any questions about which imaging solution is best for your lab, contact us here for expert assistance.

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Application Specialist

Dirk Bachmann has been with Evident for more than 15 years and has extensive experience with various application developments in the digital microscopy field. He is the application specialist for our PRECiV™ measurement and imaging platform and OLYMPUS Stream™ image analysis software in the product group for materials science and industrial equipment at the Evident Technology Center Europe (ETCE) in Germany.

November 21, 2023
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