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Carbon Steel Success—How XRF Helped ID an Ancient Helmet

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Ancient steel helmet

Our Vanta™ handheld XRF analyzer was recently featured on an episode of the popular History Channel TV show Pawn Stars. In the show, people bring items into the shop to potentially sell, trade, or pawn. Often, people don’t have a lot of information about the items that they’re bringing in. To determine a fair price, outside expertise can be required to get more information. That’s where a tool like the Vanta analyzer can help.

On this episode, a customer brought in a helmet that they thought was made of iron. An expert was able to confirm that the piece was an authentic Anglo-Saxon helmet that was about 1500 years old. The helmet was in excellent condition, making it a rare find. Typically, iron breaks down in the presence of oxygen, so the helmet likely ended up in a low-oxygen environment, such as a bog or river.

Vanta handheld XRF analyzer
Image courtesy of A+E Networks.

It was important to know the helmet’s material chemistry, as the Anglo Saxons worked in iron and carbon steel. An expert used a Vanta analyzer to test the helmet using X-ray fluorescence to determine its elemental composition.

Vanta handheld XRF analyzerVanta handheld XRF analyzerVanta handheld XRF analyzer
Images courtesy of A+E Networks.

In just a few seconds, the Vanta analyzer confirmed that the helmet was made of carbon steel.

The screenshot below shows the analyzer obtained an exact grade match. The helmet was made from 99.76% iron with traces of copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), chromium (Cr), etc.

Vanta handheld XRF analyzer results screen
Image courtesy of A+E Networks.

An Anglo Saxon helmet of this age and quality is truly a rare find. 

Tune in to see the replay and look out for the Vanta analyzer!

Watch It on YouTube (24 minutes into the episode)

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Marketing Specialist, Analytical Instruments

Michelle Wright has more than nine years of experience in marketing communications and works in the analytical instruments business at Evident to promote X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzers. She works closely with product, engineering, and application groups to assist with launching new products, creating webinars, and writing application notes.

May 27, 2020
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