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NDT inspector using an OmniScan X3 total focusing method and phased array flaw detector to perform an in-service inspection on pipes

5 Pitfalls to Avoid When Performing Your Next TFM Inspection

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OmniScan X3 phased array flaw detector with laptop installed with OmniPC NDT data analysis software version 5

Are You Aware That OmniPC™ 5 Software Is Actually Freeware?

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Steel pipe weld inspector using the OmniScan X3 phased array ultrasonic testing instrument and AxSEAM long seam scanner for longitudinal scanning

Master Pipe Weld Scanning with This Versatile Tool

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OmniScan X3 PAUT flaw detector

Bookmark This! Access Our Total Focusing Method (TFM) Resources in One Convenient Location

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OmniScan X3 phased array flaw detector and WeldSight advanced analysis software on a computer screen

FAQs about WeldSight™ Software for the OmniScan™ X3 Flaw Detector

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Olympus AxSEAM long seam pipe scanner set up on a half-pipe standard with a longitudinal weld and an OmniScan X3 phased array flaw detector with full matrix capture (FMC) total focusing method (TFM) capabilities.

A Powerful, Portable Pipe-Inspection Duo: the AxSEAM™ Scanner and OmniScan™ X3 Flaw Detector—A Customer Review

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Comparison of  two NDT inspection software, WeldSight for advanced weld inspection analysis and OmniPC for basic phased array ultrasonic testing data analysis

WeldSight™ Software versus OmniPC™ Software—What’s the Difference?

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Female engineer overseeing the construction of a steel bridge

Innovative TFM Imaging’s Potential to Improve Engineers’ Structural Integrity Evaluations—A Customer’s Perspective

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The AxSEAM™ Scanner or the Art of Establishing a Relationship of Trust—A Customer Review

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Olympus OmniScan X3

Which Phased Array Probe Is Right for Your Total Focusing Method Inspection?

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An Olympus OmniScan X3 flaw detector goes live, remotely

Olympus Remote Demonstration FAQs

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OmniScan X3 phased array PA flaw detector

5 Reasons to Make the Switch to the OmniScan X3 Flaw Detector

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TFM and Other Major Advantages of the OmniScan X3 Flaw Detector for NDT Inspectors—A Customer Review

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PAUT scan plan

3 Ways the OmniScan X3 Flaw Detector’s Scan Plan Tool Simplifies Your Set Up

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Omniscan X3

Inheriting a Legacy: The Creation of the OmniScan X3 Logo

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All Your Flaws Revealed—TFM Imaging You Can Trust

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MagnaFORM Probe Over Penetrant Testing in Stainless Steel

6 Advantages of the MagnaFORM Probe Over Penetrant Testing in Stainless Steel

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Pipe elbow inspection with PS and the FlexoFORM scanner

Ahead of the Curve: UT is Finally Flexible Enough for Pipe Elbow Inspection

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OmniScan and Automated Detection Technology

Breaking Down the Bottleneck: Phased Array Analysis in Seconds

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Get the latest on recent advances in portable phased array

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