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Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing

Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT)

Welcome to the phased array ultrasonic testing (PAUT) resource page, a hub for PAUT questions, articles, and training materials. The resources on this page are ideal for both experts and beginners looking to learn more about phased array UT, how it works, and what it’s used for. This page also offers Evident’s selection of phased array equipment, including phased array scanners, transducers, and probes.


What is phased array NDT?

Phased array ultrasonic testing is a form of nondestructive testing (NDT) used to inspect objects and manufactured materials such as tubes, pipes, and bolts for inconsistencies, inclusions, and other internal flaws that might jeopardize the structural integrity of the tested material. Like other forms of NDT, phased array ultrasonic testing enables users to inspect tested material without having to cut into it or otherwise damage it in any way.

What is a phased array?

A phased array testing device, as compared to a traditional ultrasonic tester, has multiple elements arranged in an array within the probe or transducer, enabling more directional control of the emitted ultrasonic beams. Phased array probe elements can be arranged in various alignments depending on the needs of the user. 

What are the advantages of phased array ultrasonic testing?

The benefits of phased array UT come down to its use of multiple elements in a single transducer, which enables users to steer, focus, and scan beams with relative ease. Sectorial scanning enables users to map the components of tested material at odd angles, something not always achievable with other nondestructive testing methods. 

How visual inspection works

What is phased array ultrasonic testing used for?

PAUT can be employed in almost any test where traditional UT methods have previously been used. Common phased array testing applications include weld inspections, crack detection, and corrosion mapping. Phased array testing is used across a range of industries such as aerospace, petrochemical, tubular goods and metal billet suppliers, pipeline construction and maintenance, structural metal construction and maintenance, and general manufacturing. 

Phased Array UT Tutorial

Phased array

Phased Array Tutorial

For more information on phased array ultrasonic testing, explore our phased array tutorial, providing greater insights into phased array technology, how it works, and how it’s best employed. 


NDT Learn Page

In addition to our phased array resources, you can find more information on other NDT methods here on our NDT Learn Page. 

Additional Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing Training Resources

Phased Array Videos

Our phased array videos provide deeper insight into phased array technology along with its practical in-field applications.

Phased Array Application Notes

Phased array application notes provide in-depth looks at phased array testing within specific industries. 

Phased Array Resources

Additional phased array resources include webinars, infographics, and white papers.Additional phased array resources include webinars, infographics, and white papers. 

Visual Inspection Products

OmniScan X3 Series

Phased Array NDT Equipment

Our selection of phased array devices offers accurate, detailed imaging of internal structures at fast inspection speeds. Explore our complete range of phased array devices here.

Weld Series Probes

Phased Array Probes

We offer a selection of phased array probes suitable for a range of uses, including angle beam probes, integrated wedge probes, and immersion probes.