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Phased Array Tutorial - Table of Contents

Focal Law Sequence Setup for Sectorial Scan

This is very similar to the linear scan setup described in Section 5.1 in that the parameters listed there must be entered, except that a range of angles must also be selected. All of the other considerations listed in section 5.1 apply. Along with typical UT settings for pulser, receiver and measurement gate setup, the user must also set transducer beam and electronic steering (focal law) characteristics.

Required User inputs:

  • Material Velocity
  • Element Quantity (the number of elements used to form the aperture of the probe)
  • First element to be used for scan
  • The last element in the electronic raster
  • Element step (defines how defined aperture moves across the probe)
  • The first angle of the scan.
  • The last angle of the scan.
  • The increment at which angles are to be stepped.
  • Desired focus depth, which must be set less than near field length (N) to effectively cerate a focus

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