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IPLEX SX II R : Feature(1) Specialized Solutions

Interchangeable insertion tubes and foreign object removal

IPLEX SX II R combines the value-added functionality of the IPLEX SA II R with the increased versatility of interchangeable insertion tubes. Whether it's the 4.4mm diameter 4.0m length insertion tube or the 6.0mm diameter 19.0m version, IPLEX SX II R provides a powerful and cost-efficient inspection solution with the option for measurement. The world's slimmest* scope with internal working channel is also part of the IPLEX SX II R range. With a diameter of just 6.2mm, not only can it be used for general inspections, it also has the added ability of hooking and foreign object retrieval.
* As of April 2006

Interchangeable scope units

IPLEX SX II R scope units can be interchanged to meet various needs. Scopes of different diameters and insertion lengths, as well as scopes with built-in forceps are available. The wide IPLEX SX II R Series lineup further expands your inspection possibilities.

Interchangeable scope unitsLonger insertion tubes available.

Various forceps available

Various forceps available

Versatile forceps are available to meet a wide range of inspection requirements, such as the retrieval of foreign and dropped objects.

Handling ease

Handling ease

Handling ease is enhanced by a connector on the remote control for the channel port, highly responsive hooking forceps, and various other convenient features.
