Evident LogoOlympus Logo

Thickness and Flaw Inspection Solutions

ScanPlan Software

Build Your NDT Inspection Setup on a PC

ScanPlan software is a simple step-by-step scan plan builder featuring a straightforward workflow with 3D modeling based on the scan plan in the OmniScan™ X4 flaw detector.

Use ScanPlan software to create a setup from scratch or to edit an existing setup file on your PC or laptop.

File Format Compatibility

Simple Setup Workflow

  1. Select the part parameters.

    ScanPlan software Part and Weld tab with 3D modeling

  2. Set your probe and wedge parameters or select a preset.

    ScanPlan setup builder software probes and wedges tab

  3. Select your group parameters.

    ScanPlan software Groups tab with the schema showing the beams of a probe in the part.

  4. Edit your scanning pattern.

    ScanPlan software scanning tab showing the probe on the part and the scanning axes.

  5. Save your file on a USB key or to your OneDrive to transfer it to your acquisition instrument or software.

    OmniScan X4 side view with USB port show. Right image: OmniScan X4 front view showing total focusing method and phase coherence imaging on the display

    OmniScan X4 users can save their ScanPlan setup files on a USB key to import them into the instrument, or share the file with the instrument via their OneDrive.

File Format Compatibility

ScanPlan software supports the setup file format .uset, which is compatible with the following:

Updating Your ScanPlan Software

ScanPlan software will gain new features and improvements with our quarterly updates, and license holders can download the latest version for free via our website.

Purchasing a License

To enquire about purchasing a ScanPlan license, contact us or your Evident representative.

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