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Inspection Services

Olympus Solutions for Inspection Services

When you’re in the inspection service business, you need nondestructive testing equipment that’s portable and reliable so that you can get the job done as efficiently as possible.

Inspection service companies are tasked with checking a wide variety of components that are used in many industries and applications, including weld inspection and corrosion monitoring. When working in remote locations, such as an oil pipeline, you need equipment that’s rugged and won’t break down. From conventional ultrasound, phased array, and eddy current testing to remote visual inspection to positive material identification with X-ray fluorescence, we manufacture equipment that’s reliable and easy to use so you can complete your work promptly.

Corrosion Inspection SolutionsMeasurement SolutionsComposite Inspection SolutionsWeld Inspection SolutionsVanta for PMIPhased Array Composite Inspection

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