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In-Line XRF Analysis

In-line XRF analyzers provide automated material analysis and alloy identification on the manufacturing line. Obtain instant results for real-time process monitoring and 100% inspection for metal fabrication of tubes, bars, and rods.

In-Line XRF Analyzers

Process XRF Analyzer

Vanta iX

The Vanta™ iX in-line XRF analyzer gives you confidence in your products by automating material analysis and alloy identification on the manufacturing line. Built to operate 24/7, the analyzer delivers instant results for 100% inspection of metal tubes, bars, and rods. For geological processing and mining, the Vanta iX analyzer enables core scanning and on-belt analysis with real-time results to monitor process variability and ensure ore grade consistency.

In-Line XRF Resources

Reasons to Automate Material Analysis with In-Line XRF

Here are our top reasons to use an in-line XRF analyzer to automate material analysis and alloy identification (ID) on the manufacturing line.

Material analysis

How to Automate Sampling and Analysis of Ores and Mined Materials

This blog explores automated sampling and analysis of ores and mined materials. Find guidance on how to integrate an in-line XRF analyzer into your mining operation.

How to Automate Sampling and Analysis of Ores and Mined Materials

Automated XRF for Metal Manufacturing

Automated XRF using an in-line analyzer enables optimized quality assurance and control throughout the metal manufacturing process. See how it works in this video.