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XRF for Soil, Mineral, and Ore Analysis

XRF is used widely throughout the exploration, mining, and geochemistry industries for a range of purposes, including composition analysis of soil, drill cuttings and core, ores, concentrates, and tailings, among many others. Explore a wide selection of resources to help you better understand the advantages of XRF in the geochemistry industry. You can also find our range of XRF analyzers for ore and mineral analysis, including options for in-field or laboratory testing.

XRF for Ore, Mineral, and Soil Analysis Resources

Lithium Exploration in LCT Pegmatites Using Portable XRF

XRF analyzers are useful tools that aid in the exploration and investigation of lithium-bearing mineral deposits. Read this application note to learn more about XRF in lithium exploration. 

Portable XRF for Mineral Exploration and Grade Control of Nickel Sulphides

Portable XRF analyzers provide real-time analysis of nickel found in rocks, soil, sediment, drill cuttings, and drill core samples. See how these rapid results improve decision-making in the field. 

Exploration of Copper Gold Porphyry Deposits Using Portable XRF

Learn how portable XRF can accurately measure common elements of interest in porphyry exploration and mining, as well as elements useful to determine the fertility of porphyry systems.

Soil Geochemistry Using Portable XRF

Portable XRF analyzers provide real-time geochemical data for rapid multi-element characterization of soils, rocks, and ores. Discover how XRF helped a team make timely, confident decisions. 

Portable XRF for Soil Surveys

XRF analyzers can deliver convenient, rapid measurements of soils, stream sediments, and rock outcrops. Learn how XRF is used in soil surveys. 

XRF for Ore Analysis and Mineral Exploration Videos

Portable XRF for Tin Exploration

Cornish Tin uses portable XRF to look for tin and lithium in the field. See how they use XRF to perform geochemical analysis of drill core, make new discoveries, and inform their decision-making on the spot. 

Gold Exploration and Discovery Using Portable XRF

For Felix Gold, portable XRF is an effective and powerful exploration tool. See how they use XRF to look for pathfinder elements, differentiate rock types, and adjust their drill plan in real time. 

Portable XRF for Drill Core Analysis

Brixton Metals, a Canadian-based exploration company, relies on portable XRF for accurate, rapid drill core analysis. See their process from sample prep to XRF results.

XRF for Ore Analysis FAQs

What is an ore analyzer?

In mining, XRF ore analyzers are used for ore, mineral, and composition analysis to determine the elemental makeup of materials. Portable ore analyzers enable in-field testing of samples for rapid decision-making, such as whether to continue drilling.

XRF for Ore and Mineral Analyzers

Vanta screening

Vanta for Mining & Geochemistry

Vanta handheld XRF analyzers for mining and geochemistry provide immediate on-site elemental analysis for geochemical exploration, mining grade control, ore processing, and remediation.

Vanta Workstation

Vanta for Environmental Assessments

Vanta handheld XRF analyzers for soils and sediment analysis provide fast, accurate environmental remediation and assessment data. Simple to use, Vanta analyzers are rugged for the most demanding field applications.