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Photoresist image
Photoresist image

Measuring the Thickness of a Photoresist Film

During the semiconductor manufacturing process, design patterns are printed on a silicon wafer using a technique called photolithography. To ensure that this pattern is accurate, the thickness of the photoresist film must be carefully managed. However, measuring the thickness can be challenging because of light reflected from the silicon beneath the resist.

Measuring the Thickness of a Photoresist Film

Olympus’ Solution: Thickness Measurement Using the OLS5000 Microscope

Measuring the thickness of photoresist film using the Olympus LEXT OLS5000 3D laser scanning microscope is quick and easy due to its unique features:

Using the microscope’s top layer detection filter, scattered light from the silicon can be eliminated, even for transparent photoresist film, enabling proper thickness measurements.

Thickness Measurement Using the OLS5000 Microscope

The skip scan function enables the microscope to scan only the area that is necessary for data acquisition, helping to significantly speed up the scan speed. For example, a resist with a thickness of 23 µm can be scanned in as little as 10 seconds.

hickness Measurement Using the OLS5000 Microscope

Olympus IMS


El microscopio de escaneo láser LEXT™ OLS5100 combina precisión y rendimiento óptico a un nivel excepcional junto con herramientas inteligentes que facilitan su uso. Las tareas de medición precisa y submicrométrica con respecto a la forma y la rugosidad superficial son rápidas y eficientes, lo que simplificará su flujo de trabajo y proporcionará datos de alta calidad en los que puede confiar.

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