Todd Houlahan
Todd Houlahan
Director de minería a nivel internacional
Todd graduated from the University of Newcastle, Australia in 1993 with a degree in soils and hydrology. For the past 18 years, Todd has been a leader in the portable XRF revolution in the mineral exploration and mining industries, publishing numerous papers on the subject and presenting at international conferences. For the past 10 years, Todd has led Olympus’ International Mining Group helping explorers, miners, and their shareholders achieve cost efficiencies by using the best portable XRF and XRD technology solutions.
¿Es posible una medición del oro (Au) en niveles inferiores a 20 partes por billón con el analizador XRF Vanta?
作者 Todd Houlahan -
2022年 6月 15日
Análisis de testigos con el analizador XRF que favorecen las interpretaciones geológicas rápidas en un importante descubrimiento de oro
作者 Todd Houlahan -
2022年 6月 10日