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X-ray fluorescence (XRF) can provide the material chemistry of numerous metals and alloys. Vanta™ XRF analyzers  are our first devices that utilize Axon technology, a suite of improvements that have led to a dramatic increase in XRF performance in four different areas.

Lower limits of detection

Axon technology enables our analyzers to process more X-ray counts. In turn, higher X-ray counts lead to faster results, better precision, and lower limits of detection.

Higher resolution

By minimizing electrical noise, Axon technology delivers outstanding resolution. This is essential for quantifying light elements and precious metals that were previously difficult for an XRF analyzer to measure.

Repeatable results

Rather than using an internal or external sample to calibrate the analyzer’s energy scale during startup or routine use, Axon technology enables our analyzers to automatically check the energy scale in microseconds before every test. This provides stability; users know that they’re going to get the same result whether it’s their first test or their hundredth.

High throughput

Axon technology enables our analyzers to count more of the X-rays that the detector encounters. We also use proprietary processing algorithms to maximize the detector’s efficiency.

Learn more about Axon technology.

Get In Touch


Michelle has more than 9 years experience in marketing communications and works in Olympus' Analytical Instruments business to promote X-ray fluorescence and X-ray diffraction analyzers. She works with product, engineering, and applications groups for new product launches, to create webinars, and to write application notes.

十一月 23, 2016
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