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calibrating thickness gauge

An ultrasonic gauge reads the thickness of a test piece by very precisely timing echoes. To turn these time measurements into thickness measurements, the gauge must be programmed with the speed of sound in the test material and any necessary zero offset required by the instrument, transducer type, or echo shape. This process is commonly called gauge calibration. The accuracy of any ultrasonic measurement is only as good as the accuracy and care taken during calibration. Incorrect calibration will result in inaccurate thickness readings. The good news is that calibration is usually a simple process.

Many different calibrations for various materials and transducers can be stored in the gauge and quickly recalled. It is important to remember to perform a new calibration or recall an appropriately programmed calibration when the test material or transducer is changed, or if the temperature of the test material changes significantly. Also, we recommend performing periodic checks with samples of known thickness to verify that the gauge is operating properly, especially in critical applications.

Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge Calibration Chart

When using ultrasonic thickness gauges, the speed of the sound energy used to take thickness measurements depends on the test material. View the table below to see the sound velocity of different materials:

Material Velocity (m/s)
Lead 1160–1320
Aluminum 3040–6420
Concrete 3200–3700
Wood 3300–5000
Copper 3560–3900
Brick 3600–4200
Iron 3850–5130
Glass 3950–5000
Steel 4880–5050

You can use this information to establish a pulse transit time to provide and maintain accurate thickness values.

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