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Evident phased array instruments provide precise measurement with the most reliable results. Our range of phased array devices produce accurate, detailed cross-sectional pictures of internal structures at fast inspection speeds. Here you can find phased array equipment and instruments including flaw detectors, scalable acquisition units, and phased array inspection software to work alongside your phased array device. These powerful tools allow you to complete even the most demanding inspections with confidence, offering precise data acquisition, visualization and analysis of ultrasonic signals. Our phased array equipment and phased array software solutions are fully integrated, with fast calibration and streamlined user interfaces so you can complete your setup and inspection in minimal time.

Talk to the Experts

Phased Array Devices

Omniscan X3 Series

OmniScan X3系列的每台探伤仪都是一款功能齐备的相控阵工具箱。其创新型全聚焦方式(TFM)和高级相控阵(PA)功能助力您充满信心地识别缺陷,其性能强大的软件功能和便捷的工作流程有助于提高您的检测效率。



可扩展的FOCUS PX采集设备和FocusPC软件融合了先进的相控阵(PA)和传统超声(UT)技术,可被方便地整合到自动和半自动检测系统中。FOCUS PX及其软件可生成和保存C扫描和A扫描的原始数据,对于基于检测后数据分析得出判定结果的应用来说,堪称一种理想的选择。FOCUS PX及其软件可用于航空航天(复合层压材料)、电力生产(风力叶片)、运输(火车轮)、金属(锻造部件)等行业的应用中。

可选购的FocusControl、FocusData和OpenView软件开发包(SDK),与FOCUS PX设备相兼容,可使客户自己开发所需的应用软件。


Ominiscan SX

轻便的单组Omniscan SX探伤仪装有一个方便用户阅读的8.4英寸(21.3厘米)触摸屏,可提供性价比很高的检测解决方案。OmniScan SX有两种型号:SX PA和SX UT。SX PA是一个16:64PR仪器,它与仅使用UT技术的SX UT一样,配备有一个用于脉冲回波、一发一收或TOFD(衍射时差)检测的常规UT通道。


Phased Array Machine FAQs

What are phased arrays used for?

Phased array systems can be employed in almost any test where conventional ultrasonic flaw detectors have traditionally been used. They are used across a range of industries, including aerospace, power generation, petrochemical, metal billet and tubular goods supply, pipeline construction and maintenance, structural metals, and general manufacturing. Phased arrays are often used in weld inspections, crack detection, and corrosion mapping.

What are the advantages of phased array systems?

Compared with traditional ultrasonic testing systems, which use single- or dual-element transducers, phased array inspection systems use multiple elements. The multielement configuration enables the user to steer, focus, and scan the beam with a single probe assembly. This makes mapping components with odd angles and complex geometries much easier and more accurate than with traditional ultrasonic equipment.

Phased Array Instrument Resources

FMC/TFM Basic Principles

Learn more about FMC/TFM in this basic principles video and how they differ from conventional phased array.

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