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Inspection Of Titanium Castings Using Ultrasound Phased Array

General description of the application

Some aircrafts structural part such as engine mount and frame are now built with titanium casting. This material is very difficult to inspect because of its large grain structure. The usual inspection methods are X-ray and ultrasounds, however they present some limitations.
The use of ultrasound phased arrays brought a break­through in the inspection of casting by providing a much better detectability than the conventional methods.

Typical inspection requirement
• Finding and characterizing inclusions
• Covering casting part volume completely
• Flexible enough to fit various shapes
• Portable to perform inspections in-service or in-production

Defects detected
• Ceramic shell as small as 0.031 in. (0.787 mm) at a 1-in. (25 mm) depth
• Tungsten carbide as small as 0.031 in. (0.787 mm) at a 1-in. (25 mm) depth

Description of the solution
• Phased array probe steering the beam from -30°to 30°LW
• Merged top and side views
• 10 and 5 MHz linear phased array probe

Description of the inspection system
• FOCUS LT 32:32 or more
• Dynamic Depth Focusing 
• Linear phased array probe
• Manual or automated X-Y scanner

Parts to inspect
• Engine mount
• Frame
• Thickness: 1 (25 mm) to 6 in. (152.4 mm)

Method of inspection
The phased array probe steers the beam continuously between -30°to 30°LW with an angular resolution of 1 degree. It allows the detection of orientated inclusions. Dynamic Depth Focusing is applied to keep the beam focused over the depth range. The probe scans a X-Y surface and data is merged together to create a top-side view of the casting part. Analysis is performed.

• Better detectability than X-ray (The smallest defect detected by X-ray is 0.065 in; by UT phased arrays, it is 0.031 in.)
• Versatility
• Fast and easy to use

Detection of ceramic schells. Merged top- and side-views display.

GLIDER scanner


Olympus IMS

轻便的单组Omniscan SX探伤仪装有一个方便用户阅读的8.4英寸(21.3厘米)触摸屏,可提供性价比很高的检测解决方案。OmniScan SX有两种型号:SX PA和SX UT。SX PA是一个16:64PR仪器,它与仅使用UT技术的SX UT一样,配备有一个用于脉冲回波、一发一收或TOFD(衍射时差)检测的常规UT通道。
OmniScan X3系列的每台探伤仪都是一款功能齐备的相控阵工具箱。其创新型全聚焦方式(TFM)和高级相控阵(PA)功能助力您充满信心地识别缺陷,其性能强大的软件功能和便捷的工作流程有助于提高您的检测效率。