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Laterally Focused Arrays-Improved Defect Length Sizing

Automatic Fastener Hole inspection in Aircraft Overview

Improvements in probe manufacturing technology have led to improved defect length sizing. Phased Array CCEV [Concave Curvature in Elevation (axis)] probes have been created to improve accuracy in defect length sizing. Two primary applications, small diameter piping and onshore/offshore pipeline construction have been the primary applications where this technology has been exploited but many phased array users are applying them in other applications. This technology has led to improve difficult small diameter thin wall inspections as well as critical pipeline inspections.

CCEV Phased Array Probes Construction

Phased Array probes can be electronically focused in the forward or active axis by controlling the pulse and reception of the elements. Without complex array construction (dual/matrix array etc.) the passive axis has long been left to natural beam spread created by aperture and element dimensions and frequency of the probe. CCEV probes were created by applying a curvature in the elevation or side to side or passive axis dimension of a phased array probe. The appropriate curvature was established by laboratory trials and simulated beam simulations for the typical diameters and wall thickness for both pipeline construction welds and small diameter pipe and tube welds. Similar to applying a lens to an immersion probe the effect is a smaller beam spot width, which can lessen beam spread effects and allow better length sizing potential. Although primarily applied to the PipeWIZARD and COBRA scanning systems, the technology can be applied to almost any linear array probe design to fit other applications. An internal integrated lens allows the use of standard flat wedges and flat outside casing.

linearinternal focus

Illustration of flat and internally focused arrays with corresponding beam plot. Note significantly reduced beam width.

Results from PipeWizard System on 3mm wide reflector with normal 1D linear Flat Array and CCEV Curved Probe.Results from PipeWizard System on 3mm wide reflector with normal 1D linear Flat Array and CCEV Curved Probe.
Results from PipeWizard System on 3mm wide reflector with normal 1D linear Flat Array and CCEV Curved Probe.Results from PipeWizard System on 3mm wide reflector with normal 1D linear Flat Array and CCEV Curved Probe.

Results from PipeWIZARD System on 3mm wide reflector with normal 1D linear Flat Array and CCEV Curved Probe.

Results of inspection on 2.75” (70mm) dia. Pipe with induced 6.9mm x .5mm OD notch. Note signifigant sharpness of data and improved sizing using CCEV probe. Data taken utilizing Cobra Scanner. Sizing done via – 6dB drop method.
Results of inspection on 2.75” (70mm) dia. Pipe with induced 6.9mm x .5mm OD notch. Note signifigant sharpness of data and improved sizing using CCEV probe. Data taken utilizing COBRA Scanner. Sizing done via – 6dB drop method.

Cobra Semi-Automatic Scanner for Small Diameter Pipe and Tube and PipeWizard Automated System for Pipeline Construction. CCEV probes have been optimized for use in these two systems.Cobra Semi-Automatic Scanner for Small Diameter Pipe and Tube and PipeWizard Automated System for Pipeline Construction. CCEV probes have been optimized for use in these two systems.

COBRA Semi-Automatic Scanner for Small Diameter Pipe and Tube and PipeWIZARD Automated System for Pipeline Construction. CCEV probes have been optimized for use in these two systems.


Laterally focused arrays have been created significantly improving length sizing potential in small diameter piping and pipeline construction systems. This technology can be applied to most 1D linear array probes, offering potential to improve sizing in many often performed phased array examinations. Standard CCEV arrays are listed in our phased array probe catalog.

Please contact SCE.PM@olympusndt.com or submit details via our online custom probe form to ask about custom CCEV probe possibilities for your applications.

Olympus IMS

轻便的单组Omniscan SX探伤仪装有一个方便用户阅读的8.4英寸(21.3厘米)触摸屏,可提供性价比很高的检测解决方案。OmniScan SX有两种型号:SX PA和SX UT。SX PA是一个16:64PR仪器,它与仅使用UT技术的SX UT一样,配备有一个用于脉冲回波、一发一收或TOFD(衍射时差)检测的常规UT通道。
这类专用于相控阵应用的探头的频率范围在0.5 MHz到18 MHz之间,其标准配置为16、32、64或128个晶片。特殊的探头可以最多装配几百个晶片。
COBRA手动扫查器与OmniScan X3探伤仪相结合,用于对小直径管道进行周向焊缝检测。COBRA小直径扫查装置可容纳两个PA探头,对外径范围在0.84至4.5英寸的管道进行检测。