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Frustrated by Inspections That Are out of Reach?

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SteerROVER for pipe inspection

A Field-Proven Scanner to Steer You in the Right Direction

What distinguishes the SteerROVER scanner from the crowd is its dual motorized pods that enable steering using a simple remote control. Powerful magnetic wheels adhere to ferromagnetic surfaces, allowing it to reach high or difficult-to-access areas. Turnkey SteerROVER scanner packages cover circumferential, longitudinal, and flat part inspection of welds as well as corrosion mapping. With its design honed by years of on-site testing, the SteerROVER scanner can give you the reliability, accessibility, and flexibility you need to bid for jobs that were out of reach in the past.

Versatile Tool Inspects Welds and Maps Corrosion

The SteerROVER scanner builds on the MapROVER™ scanner’s field-proven capability to perform corrosion inspection with a motorized raster arm and circumferential weld inspection, offering an additional level of flexibility to inspectors thanks to its independent motorized pods. Longitudinal weld inspection can be performed on pipes as small as 12 in. OD, owing to the folding design of the SteerROVER scanner and its pivoting probe holder rack. Simple joystick control ensures that the SteerROVER scanner is easy to maneuver and position at a distance.

The magnetic wheels provide the necessary traction to perform scanning at heights, such as on large pressure vessels or tanks. Complete SteerROVER scanner packages have been predefined to include all the accessories required for four-probe weld inspection or corrosion mapping.

Versatile Tool Inspects Welds and Maps Corrosion

Weld Inspections Stay the Course

When inspecting a weld on a large pressure vessel, for example, the ability to remotely steer the scanner reduces setup and inspection time. The need to build scaffolding can be eliminated, and difficult-to-access areas are within your reach. You can place the motorized scanner on a ferromagnetic surface, and drive it where you want it to go.

Weld inspection packages include four vertical probe holders installed in the pivoting probe holder rack that, like the SteerROVER™ scanner, folds to adjust to a wide range of pipe diameters. The handheld remote control enables you to adjust the trajectory of the inspection at a distance, ensuring that the weld is correctly aligned between the probes. An encoder between the SteerROVER scanner’s wheels keeps track of its position, and an optional laser guide or camera mount can assist inspectors with remote alignment with the weld.

Weld Inspections Stay the Course

The Multi-Tool of UT Scanners

Corrosion mapping packages are equipped with a raster arm (600 mm or 900 mm) that can be paired with various scanner accessories, such as our HydroFORM® scanner or the Dual Linear Array (DLA) corrosion probe, to provide a complete measurement of the remaining thickness of ferromagnetic materials.

Fast, Automated Data Acquisition

When combined with our rugged OmniScan® MX, MX2, or FOCUS PX flaw detectors, the SteerROVER scanner helps you acquire reliable and high-quality UT, phased array, and TOFD data.

The Multitool of UT Scanners

Get Access to More Job Opportunities

Being able to reach hard-to-access areas more easily and offer a wider range of weld inspection and corrosion mapping services can reduce the estimated time and cost for an inspection job and give you a competitive advantage when presenting your bid. The SteerROVER scanner with its turnkey weld inspection and corrosion mapping packages provides you with these capabilities, helping put your proposal at the top of the pile.

Get In Touch

Sarah Williams曾在广播媒体行业担任过近十年的研究员和文案撰稿人。现在,Sarah运用其写作和编辑技能,就与Evident各种无损检测(NDT)解决方案相关的主题,创作了令人信服的高质量资料。她撰写的文章涉及最新的远程视觉、显微镜、超声波、涡流和相控阵技术。她还探讨了这些技术在改善我们周围世界的质量和安全方面的应用和贡献。Sarah在魁北克市的办公室工作,她与伴侣大卫和三个孩子Sophie、Anouk和Éloi居住在魁北克市。

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