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Webinar: Advancements in Offshore Corrosion Monitoring with the EPOCH® 6LT Ultrasonic Flaw Detector

In this webinar, we discuss the features and technical specifications of the EPOCH® 6LT portable flaw detector’s corrosion module software option and discuss the instrument’s benefits for offshore platform corrosion inspections. The EPOCH 6LT flaw detector with the corrosion module combines the most important features of a corrosion gage with the capabilities of a flaw detector in a highly portable and intuitive instrument.

Advancements in Offshore Corrosion Monitoring with the EPOCH® 6LT Ultrasonic Flaw Detector

In this webinar, we discuss the features and technical specifications of the EPOCH® 6LT portable flaw detector’s corrosion module software option and discuss the instrument’s benefits for offshore platform corrosion inspections. The EPOCH 6LT flaw detector with the corrosion module combines the most important features of a corrosion gage with the capabilities of a flaw detector in a highly portable and intuitive instrument. The software enables you to easily switch between precision thickness and high-speed scanning measurement modes and offers automatic gain control and automatic probe recognition for all Olympus thickness gage dual transducers for efficient setups. Offshore rope access inspectors can strap the instrument to their leg or harness with the rope access kit for corrosion inspections in difficult-to-reach locations.


Calvin Jory - Senior Product Marketing Specialist - Ultrasonic Flaw Detectors
Calvin Jory is the Senior Product Marketing Specialist for conventional ultrasonic flaw detectors and thickness gages. He has more than three years of experience in the NDT industry, providing global support, training, and resource materials for ultrasound products and is responsible for the future development of marketing materials for Olympus conventional ultrasonic instruments.