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TOFD Inspection using the OmniScan SX and MX2 - Getting Started

Webinar: TOFD Inspection using the OmniScan SX and MX2 - Getting Started

This webinar provides an overview of basic TOFD hardware and software setup using the Olympus OmniScan SX or MX2 flaw detector. Participants will see live demonstration of the OmniScan TOFD UT configuration, data acquisition, and analysis of TOFD data with an explanation of best practice for common service company TOFD work procedures.

This webinar provides an overview of basic TOFD hardware and software setup using the Olympus OmniScan SX or MX2 flaw detector. Participants will see live demonstration of the OmniScan TOFD UT configuration, data acquisition, and analysis of TOFD data with an explanation of best practice for common service company TOFD work procedures.

Chris Magruder is a Global Product Support Specialist for Olympus phased array products. He has over 15 years of experience in providing global support, training and application development for phased array customers of all levels and participates in new phased array product development.