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Join our eddy current testing (ECT) expert for this demo of an eddy current array (ECA) inspection using the MagnaFORM™ weld inspection scanner. Learn how ECA can improve and speed up conventional eddy current inspections. Discover the types of ECA probes Olympus offers and how our solutions can help you save costs and reduce the turnaround time of weld inspections.

Product Leader, Eddy Current Product Line

Since 2012, Ghislain Morais has been an eddy current and bond testing product leader for Evident. He is responsible for the global support of conventional eddy current, eddy current array, conventional bond testing, and bond testing C-scan technology. Prior to joining us, he spent 18 years working in the aircraft maintenance business as a metallurgist and in NDT inspections. He has experience and certifications in several of the NDT methods that are used in the aerospace industry.

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主页/ 求知/ Olympus IMS研讨会/ 奥林巴斯涡流阵列(ECA)解决方案演示