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OLS5000 Ver.1.3.5 Software Version Up Program

OLS5000 Ver.1.3.5 Software Version Up Program

This program updates the OLS5000 application software to Ver.1.3.5.

Version to be applied

Ver.1.1.2, Ver.1.1.3, Ver.1.2.1, Ver.1.2.2, Ver.1.3.1, Ver.1.3.2, Ver.1.3.3, Ver.1.3.4

 [Caution] This program is specialized for the version described above.
                You cannot use this program for systems other version.

 * The product version can be confirmed by selecting “Version information” from “Help” shown in the top menu of the application software.

[Data acquisition application]
Data acquisition application
[Analysis application]
Analysis application

Product to be applied


OS to be applied

Online :
   -Windows10 64bit
    1703(creators), 1709(fall creators), 1803(April 2018 Update), 1809(October 2018 Update),
    1903(May 2019 Update), 1909(November 2019 Update)

Offline : 
   -Windows10 64bit/32bit
    1703(creators), 1709(fall creators), 1803(April 2018 Update), 1809(October 2018 Update),
    1903(May 2019 Update), 1909(November 2019 Update)
   -Windows7 64bit/32bit

Changes made by this program

The support for changes made for the some bugs in the application software.
Please see the "OLS5000_ReleaseNote_EN_Ver010305.pdf " in the zip file for details.

Update Procedures

1. Before Installation

”Program License Agreement” is included in this program. Please read Program License Agreement carefully before downloading. Downloading the software constitutes acceptance of the agreement.

2. Procedures to download the file

  1. Select the file you want to download from the right side of the page.
  2. When the entry form is displayed, enter the requested information.
    *Serial No. is the number shown on the back side of microscope (Scan unit).
    Serial No. is the number shown on the back side of microscope
  3. Press the [Start Download] button to begin downloading.
  4. When the [Download the file] dialog appears, press the [Save] button to download to the Desktop of the PC, etc.
  5. The download is a compressed ZIP format. Please decompress the file.
    * To decompress the compressed file, select the file on the explorer, right-click it to display the menu and select [Open All].
    * The file configuration after decompression is shown below.
  6. Copy the decompressed file set including subfolders to portable media, such as DVD or USB, etc.

3. Update Procedures

Please update according to version upgrade manual (OLS5000_VersionUp_Manual_EN_Ver010305.pdf) in the zip file.

Select Language for DownloadVersion

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