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Dr. Christopher Lane
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Dr. Christopher Lane

Head of Customized Solutions, Evident EMEA

Dr. Christopher Lane graduated from the University of Bristol with a first-class degree in mechanical engineering in 2007 and earned an Engineering Doctorate (EngD) from the same university in 2011. His EngD focused on the development of ultrasonic arrays for aerospace inspection. 

Christopher has worked in the inspection industry for the last 12 years, first as the leader of the in-service nondestructive testing (NDT) team at Rolls-Royce, UK, and later as a team leader developing advanced inspection systems at ARTC, a research centre in Singapore. 

Christopher joined Evident in 2018 as the sales manager for NDT systems and integration for the Asia Pacific region. In 2021, he set up and then managed the APAC Technology Centre in Singapore before joining Evident EMEA in 2022. 

Christopher has also been awarded the British Institute of NDT Young Person's Achievement Award and the Rolls-Royce Award for Technical Innovation. He is a Chartered Engineer with the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, a Certified Project Management Professional from the Project Management Institute, and an Honorary Technical Editor of the Insight journal from the British Institute of Nondestructive Testing (BINDT). 

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