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Olympus IMS Learning Center

Expand your inspection knowledge with expert resources in our online Learning Center

Designed for beginners and experts, the Olympus Learning Center is your portal for scientific and educational research on all forms of inspection and NDT. Improve your knowledge of advanced testing instruments with our comprehensive training programs and earn certifications that will help you meet specific industry standards. The Olympus Learning Center is a place for sharing knowledge and ideas, so explore our resources below and become part of our community today.

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Browse on-demand webinars where you can learn the latest techniques and get advice on a vast array of topics and technologies directly from our experts.



Our e-books provide in-depth information on a range of testing and inspection products, techniques, and methods. Explore the full collection to expand your knowledge.

Olympus Around The World

Evident Around The World

Learn how to get the most out of Evident’ advanced products and technologies with quick tutorial videos. Watch now to meet our global team and hear their advice.

Inspection 360

Inspection 360

Keep your knowledge up to date with our weekly webcast series. Inspection 360 provides helpful tips and tricks for all types of NDT inspections using a range of technologies.

Explore Tutorial Guides

Flaw Detection Resources and Guides

Phased Array Tutorial

This self-guided tutorial is a basic introduction to ultrasonic phased array testing, both for newcomers and for more experienced users who want a review of basic principles.

Thickness Gauge Resources and Guides

Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge Tutorial

This tutorial provides a basic introduction to the theory and practice of ultrasonic thickness gauging, for both newcomers and more experienced users who would like a review.

Eddy Current Array Tutorial

Eddy current array (ECA) is a nondestructive testing technology that provides the ability to electronically drive multiple eddy current coils, which are placed side by side in the same probe assembly.

Ultrasonic Flaw Detection Tutorial

Ultrasonic flaw detection is a powerful NDT technology and a well established test method in many industries, however it can seem complex to a person who has not worked with it.

Explore Technology Guides

Remote Visual Inspection

Remote Visual Inspection

This is a hub for videoscope and visual inspection questions, articles, and training materials to support both experts and beginners looking to use RVI testing.

Surface roughness measurement

Surface Roughness Measurement

Learn about the theory and application of surface roughness measurement. Includes detailed definitions of surface roughness parameters and other terminology.

nondestructive testing

Nondestructive Testing

Learn about ultrasonic testing, phased array ultrasonic testing, eddy current array testing, methods of nondestructive testing, a process of inspecting materials, components, and systems without damaging the test subject.

XRF Analyzers

X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF)

This hub offers an array of articles, training materials, and FAQs on the process of XRF analysis, its uses, best practices, and practical applications.

Phased Array

Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing

Explore our phased array ultrasonic testing resource page, an excellent source of information on phased array technology, how it works, and what it’s used for.

Discover Our Network

Find a trainer

Find a trainer

Our online search tool enables you to source experts in your industry from around the world. Filter between different technologies and regions to find a trainer that will help you maximize both efficiency and results using Olympus instruments.

Training members

Training members

Olympus training enables you to earn certifications to meet industry standards. Visit our Training Members page to find details on available training courses and get the information you need to book your place in a competitive program.


Olympus Training Member Portal

This training portal is exclusively offered to our training members. This space is designed to help you find relevant training materials for your inspection equipment.