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1 June, 2012

Olympus Introduces a Fast Way to Identify the Purity and Fineness of Gold and Precious Metals

Olympus NDT is pleased to introduce a new feature exclusive to its portable countertop GoldXpert XRF and DELTA Precious Metals handheld XRF analyzers, which helps identify gold-plated objects. This innovative new feature determines whether an object is gold, solid gold, thick-coated gold, or gold plated.

The Olympus NDT XRF precious metal analyzers provide reliable, easy-to-use, and cost-effective methods for chemical analysis, and identify the purity and fineness of precious metals with a simple, nondestructive, nonintrusive test. These analyzers can identify more than twenty different elements, including gold (Au), silver (Ag), platinum (Pt), and palladium (Pd), in addition to the presence of zirconium (Zr) for cubic zirconia "stones" and lead (Pb) in leaded glass beads.

The major benefits of the portable countertop GoldXpert XRF and the DELTA Precious Metals handheld XRF analyzers are their ability to assess cash-for-gold pieces quickly for accurate pricing, identify and characterize a wide range of alloys such as silver, platinum, and others, identify poisonous elements in samples, and manage the QC of refining and melting operations.

XRF analysis provides a less expensive, quicker testing alternative to fire assay, chemical tests, and on-the-spot analysis of precious metal materials, making it an easy way to boost customer confidence and ensure dealer reliability. Given the current high value of gold, quantifying its fineness and purity is more critical than ever.

The GoldXpert XRF and DELTA Precious Metals handheld XRF analyzers offer cuttingedge electronics and X-ray technology, as well as innovative software features for fast and easy operation. These analyzers are engineered for continual use, achieving hundreds of tests per day in many applications.

Both analyzers are portable and operate completely independent of a PC. The analyzers are equipped with a camera for live viewing and image recording of the tested object, as well as a collimator for measurement of components and samples as small as 3mm in diameter.

For more information on the use of the GoldXpert XRF and DELTA Precious Metals handheld XRF Analyzers for gold and precious metals analysis, please visit http://www.olympus-ims.com/en/innovx-xrf-xrd/precious-metals/.

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June 01, 2012

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