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Academic Research

Olympus Solutions for Academic Research

Academic researchers benefit from advanced nondestructive testing technologies, including XRF and XRD for material chemistry and mineralogy and microscopes for observing objects under high magnification.

Identifying the chemical makeup of pigments used to paint an Ancient Egyptian sarcophagus, authenticating historical art objects, obtaining the quantitative mineralogy of Martian soil, and measuring the mechanics of tiny wings on a robot are just some of the ways academic researchers employ nondestructive testing technology.

Additive ManufacturingeBook - Additive ManufacturingThin Film MetrologyeBook - Thin Film MetrologyThin Film MetrologyeBook - Thin Film MetrologyRoughnesseBook - RoughnessElectronicseBook - ElectronicsCompositeseBook - Composites
CompendiumeBook - CompendiumGeoscienceeBook - GeoscienceGeoscience BeacheBook - Geoscience BeachCorrosioneBook - CorrosionParticles IeBook - Particles IParticles IIeBook - Particles II
Additive ManufacturingeBook - Additive ManufacturingCompendium IIeBook - Compendium IIThin Films IIIeBook - Thin Films IIITribologyeBook - TribologyTribologyeBook - Optimizing Interface Conductivity in ElectronicsTribologyeBook - Advances in Microscale Photonics

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