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XRF Precious Metal Analyzers

XRF precious metal analysis is a nondestructive testing method for verifying the purity and composition of precious metals, such as gold, silver, and platinum. As a fast technique, XRF precious metal analysis is often used to perform karat, grade, and impurity identification on the spot. Jewelry stores and pawn shops often use XRF precious metal analyzers to accurately authenticate and price the valuable items they buy and sell. Discover resources about precious metal analysis, including application notes, videos, and FAQs. You can also find precious metal analyzers for gold measurement, karat ID, and more applications.

XRF Resources on Precious Metal Analysis

Vanta™ GX

5 Reasons to Test Jewelry with a Precious Metal Analyzer

Testing jewelry for precious metal content, purity, and karatage should be simple and fast. See how XRF precious metal analyzers take the guesswork (and work) out of jewelry analysis. 

Fast Soil Sampling for Copper-Silver Projects

Fast Soil Sampling for Copper-Silver Projects

XRF precious metal analysis is a powerful technique in mining and geology. Learn how handheld XRF is used for copper-silver exploration and soil sampling in the field.

Handheld XRF

The Golden Ticket for Precious Metals Testing

Explore how jewelers use XRF precious metals analysis to determine jewelry composition and karat percentage.

Plug-in script

Enhance Your XRF Data Display for Precious Metal Analysis

Customizable plug-in scripts enhance the data display on your XRF precious metal analyzer. See an example in watch authentication.

XRF Videos on Precious Metal Analysis

Meet the Vanta GX Precious Metal Analyzer

XRF precious metal analyzers are ideal for testing gold, jewelry, coins, and other valuables in the consumer showroom environment. Learn more in this video.

Precious Metal Analyzer Unboxing

See what’s included in the box when you purchase a Vanta™ GX precious metal analyzer for gold assay and karat ID.

Portable XRF for Copper-Silver Mineralization

Fast and accurate XRF analysis is integral to the sampling of precious metals in the field. See how handheld XRF is used for copper-silver mineralization in the Amazon.

XRF FAQs on Precious Metal Analysis

How do you test a precious metal?

XRF analyzers for precious metals test the sample material to determine the purity and composition of the precious metals contained within the sample. XRF is used across a range of industries to provide precious metal analysis in the field, in the lab, in the showroom, and on the manufacturing line.

How accurate is XRF gold testing?

XRF precious metal analyzers are widely regarded as one of the most dependable techniques for analyzing gold. The following table displays the accuracy and precision of XRF in gold and precious metal testing:

Vanta GX PIN model (15-second test time, %)

ElementTest 1Test 2Test 3Test 4Test 5Vanta GX Average (%)FLUXANA 0732-16 Certified Value (%)
Gold (Au) 33.50 33.40 33.39 33.38 33.42 33.42 33.33
Silver (Ag) 58.30 58.41 58.36 58.29 58.41 58.36 58.61
Copper (Cu) 8.2 8.2 8.25 8.32 8.17 8.23 8.06

The table compares the results (percent of elements in the sample tested) from an XRF precious metal analyzer (Vanta GX PIN model) to certified reference standards for gold alloy jewelry.

Can XRF detect platinum?

Yes, thanks to their accurate analysis of a range of precious metals, XRF precious metal analyzers are well equipped to detect and analyze platinum within tested materials.

Can XRF detect palladium?

XRF precious metal analyzers provide fast and accurate analysis of a range of precious metals, including palladium. They can determine if samples contain palladium as well as its purity.

Can XRF detect silver?

Yes, XRF precious metals analyzers can quickly and accurately detect a range of precious metals, including silver. Not only can XRF precious metals analyzers determine if a sample contains silver, but they can detect the silver’s purity as well.

Precious Metal XRF Analyzers

Metal Analyzer

Vanta™ GX Precious Metal Analyzer

The Vanta™ GX precious metal analyzer provides an affordable way to know the purity and composition of gold, jewelry, coins, and other valuables. Built for the showroom, the analyzer delivers accurate precious metal content, karatage, and fineness in seconds without damaging the material tested. Easily identify authentic valuables from fakes with the alert for gold plating, percentages of pure gold or silver, and detection of less valuable or hazardous metals.

Precious Metals Analysis

Vanta for Precious Metals Analysis

Vanta handheld XRF analyzers for precious metals provide fast, accurate alloy chemistry and karat classification for identifying gold, platinum, silver, and rhodium in jewelry analysis and car catalyst recycling.