Tommy Bourgelas
Tommy Bourgelas
Director of Portable Advanced NDT Products
Tommy Bourgelas has worked at Evident for over 23 years. Prior to his current position, which includes overseeing the OmniScan™ X3 product line, he worked as a product manager for other in-service portable NDT product lines, including the OmniScan ECA, MultiScan MS5800™, NORTEC™, and BondMaster™ inspection devices. Throughout his career, Tommy has contributed to the development of probes and applications, worked to improve existing products and software features, and has performed numerous trainings.
Ahorre tiempo y energía en el análisis de soldaduras gracias al B-scan combinado
作者 Tommy Bourgelas -
2023年 5月 04日
Tres formas de simplificar su configuración con la herramienta del plan de escaneo del detector de defectos OmniScan X3
作者 Tommy Bourgelas -
2019年 12月 10日
Todos los defectos expuestos: Procesamiento de imágenes TFM en el cual confiar
作者 Tommy Bourgelas -
2019年 11月 12日