Olympus offers a wide variety of phased array (PA) probes using piezocomposite technology for all types of phased array ultrasonic testing (PAUT) inspections. The standard Olympus PA probes featured here are divided into three types:
Angle beam probes
Integrated wedge probes
Immersion probes
Other types of probes can be designed to suit the needs of your application. Ultrasonic testing using phased array probes is fast becoming the preferred NDT method because it is efficient, reliable, and safer than some alternative methods. Linear arrays are the most commonly used phased array probes for industrial applications. One important feature that defines phased array probes is the active probe aperture (the total length of the elements in the active plane). From dual
array probes for welding to PA probes for corrosion, each option provides fast scan speeds, sharp imagery, and accurate testing results.