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An Introduction to Ultrasonic Thickness Gaging

Ultrasonic thickness gaging is a widely used nondestructive test technique for measuring the thickness of a material from one side. Just about anything made out of metal, plastic, composite, ceramic, glass, fiberglass, or rubber can be measured with easy-to-use, hand-held instruments. This paper provides a brief introduction to the theory and practice of ultrasonic thickness gaging. Read more>>

An Introduction to Ultrasonic Flaw Detection

Of all the applications of industrial ultrasonic testing, flaw detection is the oldest and the most common. Since the 1940s, the laws of physics that govern the propagation of sound waves through solid materials have been used to detect hidden cracks, voids, porosity, and other internal discontinuities in metals, composites, plastics, and ceramics. This paper provides a brief introduction to the theory and practice of ultrasonic flaw detection. Read more>>

An Introduction to Ultrasonic Phased Array Technology

Ultrasonic phased array systems similar to those used for medical imaging are finding increasing use in industrial settings, providing new levels of information and visualization. Applications include weld inspection, bond testing, thickness profiling, and in-service crack detection. This paper provides a brief introduction to how phased array systems work and how they can be employed in industrial ultrasonic nondestructive testing. Read more>>

An Introduction to Eddy Current Testing

Magnetism, the underlying principle behind electric motors and generators, relays and stereo speakers, is also the force that enables an important category of NDT tools called eddy current instruments. Eddy current testing is widely used in the aerospace industry and in other manufacturing and service environments that require inspection of thin metal for potential safety-related or quality-related problems. Read more>>