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2009年 10月 29日

Innov-X Systems Awards Portable XRF Academic Research Grant (Lawrence University)

Congratulations to Dr. Andrew Knudsen of the Geology Department at Lawrence University in Appleton Wisconsin, on receiving an Innov-X Research Grant Award. Dr. Knudsen's research project, Mapping Heavy Metal Distributions in and Around Riverside Park, Milwaukee, WI utilizes an Innov-X Field-Portable X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (pXRF), coupled with a sub-meter accuracy GPS, to create geochemical maps of heavy metal distributions throughout the park and surrounding neighborhoods.

Portable XRF provides fast and simple in-situ elemental analysis of Mg through U, from PPM to high percentage levels. In a matter of seconds, it allows simultaneous measurements of up to 25 elements. The Innov-X Academic Relations Program encourages and supports research into applications where insitu XRF measurements expand or enhance a knowledge base. It puts the power of portable XRF in researchers' hands allowing them to take it to the field, where it really counts. Innov-X Academic Research Grants include the loan of an analyzer, technical training and/or consultation, and sponsorship at a technical conference to present the research findings.

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十月 29, 2009

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