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2009年 10月 02日

Innov-X Systems Awards Portable XRF Academic Research Grant (Arizona State)

Congratulations to Dr. Anthony Hartshorn at Arizona State University School of Earth and Space Exploration, in Tempe Arizona, on receiving an Innov-X Research Grant Award. Dr. Hartshorn's research project, Ghosts of Weathering Past: Fingerprinting Hillslope Processes through Portable XRF Measurements of Channel Sand Zr, carried out in San Gabriel Mtns, CA; Catalina Mtns, AZ; and Mazatzal Wilderness, AZ. According to Dr. Hartshorn, "It is impossible to measure the extent to which a hillslope has been transformed from rock to soil if those hillslope soils have been eroded or gouged by landslides. [We'll] use XRF to obtain very high spatial resolution measurements of Zr from stream channel sands … enabling us to link the Zr in sand particles to the Zr of hillslope soils in order to build a process-based model of hillslope evolution."

Portable XRF provides fast and simple in-situ elemental analysis of Mg through U, from PPM to high percentage levels. In a matter of seconds, it allows simultaneous measurements of up to 25 elements. The Innov-X Academic Relations Program encourages and supports research into applications where insitu XRF measurements expand or enhance a knowledge base. It puts the power of portable XRF in researchers' hands allowing them to take it to the field, where it really counts. Innov-X Academic Research Grants include the loan of an analyzer, technical training and/or consultation, and sponsorship at a technical conference to present the research findings.

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十月 02, 2009

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