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2014年 12月 19日

Free replacement of Bräce-köhler compensator ‘U-CBR1 / U-CBR2’ for Polarizing Microscopes

Thank you very much for your continuous business with us.

Regarding our product of Bräce-köhler compensator 'U-CBR1 / U-CBR2', it was identified that the orientation setting of Gamma axis (Gamma axis : direction of slow optical vibration) was different from the indication of the products when shipping. We would therefore like to replace the applicable products free of charge.

We sincerely apologize to our customers, our clients, and concerned parties for the great inconvenience caused by this issue. We will enhance our quality control system and make every effort to prevent any recurrence, and we would like to ask you for your understanding and cooperation.

Olympus Corporation

[Products in scope]

Bräce-köhler compensator

  • U-CBR1 (items manufactured between 1994 and September in 2014)
  • U-CBR2 (items manufactured between 1994 and September in 2014)

U-CBR2 has the same shape as U-CBR1. The product name indicated on U-CBR2 is 'U-CBR2'
* The compensator is a phase plate to change the retardation level, which is used for the measurement of retardation.


When measuring retardation, the direction of Gamma axis for a specimen is different from the direction indicated on the instruction manual by 90 degree. As a result of this, the checked result in determining the Gamma axis for the specimen will be different from the correct result by 90 degree. This problem does not affect the operation for the purpose of retardation measurement or enhancement of contrast.

Page 12
Extract from 12 page of instruction manual

[To identify the applicable products]

Find the serial number on the sticker placed on the inner part of the part indicating the product name.
The applicable products among the products in scope are the products with the serial number of 7 digit alphanumeric characters.

Example of a serial number with the problem number of the unit Example of a serial of the unit free from the problem

7 digit alphanumeric characters

7 digit alphanumeric characters with 6 digit numbers

[Request to our customers]

Our customers using the nonconforming item are kindly requested to contact the dealer where you purchased the item as detailed in [Contact information regarding this issue] below.
When you contact us, please include the following information.

1. Product name (U-CBR1 or U-CBR2)
Product name (U-CBR1 or U-CBR2)

2. Serial number
serial number

3. Year, month of purchase (it is acceptable even if it is unclear)

Please contact the dealer where you purchased the applicable product.

[Contact information regarding this issue]

Other Countries Please contact an agency of Olympus microscope around here.


Patrick McGlone
Director, OSSA Technical Services
Olympus Scientific Solutions Americas
3500 Corporate Parkway
Center Valley, PA 18034
Tel: (1) 484-896-5255

Europe Middle East

Jörn Michau
Wendenstraße 14-18
20097 Hamburg
Tel: (49) 40-23773-4610
Fax:(49)40-23773-4806 E-mail: Joern.Michau@Olympus-Europa.com

People's Republic of China

OLYMPUS (China) Co.,LTD.Shanghai Branch
10F,K.W Center,1010 Huaihai Rd (M),Xuhui District,
Scientific Solutions Business Division
Quality & Regulatory Affairs Dept.
Tel: (86)21-5170-6024
E-mail: Changyi_Li@olympus.com.cn


Customer support center

Other Countries

Please contact an agency of Olympus microscope around here.

* Applicable products include conforming items.
* The company name, product name, and technology name indicated in the release document are the trade mark, or registered trade mark of respective company.
Your "personal information" including your name, address and phone number will be used exclusively for contact for the purposes of pick up, inspection, delivery, on-site check/ repair of the applicable product.

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