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API 578 101: Standards, Guidelines, and Recommended Practices for PMI

In this webinar, Wayne Vereb, of Metal Analysis Group in Houston, TX, and Peter Faulkner, Olympus, will discuss topics related to the upcoming training for the American Petroleum Institute recommended practice 578...

Automated Surface Inspection Using Eddy Current Array Technology

Bar Inspection System (BIS-ECA) Eddy Current Array Technology Systems & Integration Group


Roughness in a Nutshell

Senior Manager, Strategic Marketing
Markus Fabich, Strategic Marketing Manager Industrial Equipment EMEA
Many factors can impact the quality of videoscope images...

Innovative Applications of portable X-ray diffraction (pXRD) and X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) for base metals and gold exploration

Director, International Mining Group
Australian Geoscience Council
In this webinar Professor David Cohen (President of the Academic Board of University of New South Wales and President of Australian Geoscience Council) will present examples of pXRF and pXRD used in various gold and base metal exploration projects...
WeldSight Software

Introduction to WeldSight Software: Part 2 - Analysis

Advanced phased array (PA) weld inspection often requires operators to navigate complex software that is time-consuming and difficult to learn...

Ensuring Code Compliance While Using the Total Focusing Method

Global Markets Director, Fuel and Energy
Olympus Scientific Solutions Americas (OSSA)
Learn about the current codes and standards that apply to FMC and TFM and understand the reasons behind these new requirements...
Olympus OmniScan X3 Phased Array Flaw Detector

Total Focusing Method (TFM) vs Phased Array (PAUT)—When to Use Each Method

Global Advanced Product Support Specialist
Know when to choose TFM over PAUT, and vice versa...
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